Jun 29, 2019 Viewed: 17413

Floor medallions marble glaze detail control

The glaze to make the above effects is not achieved casually,so pay attention to some details! These error-prone details are unclear, which has caused many people to think that sealing glazing technology is difficult!

1, clean and dry

Before sealing the glaze of buy carrara marble tiles,the surface of the calacatta gold marble price must be clean and dry. Because the glaze layer attached to the surface of the floor medallions marble will seal the moisture and contaminants together,resulting in unsatisfactory gloss of the glaze layer!

2, the appropriate amount

How many glaze materials should I use? Under normal circumstances, the sealing glaze works best twice, once again, once again, once out of the highlights. Calculated in this way, a liter of sealing glaze can be done about 50 square meters, that is to say, the sealing glaze of a mineral water bottle can be more than 20 square meters, not to put more! Some people are worried that the effect will not be put out, and the glaze will be put a lot. As a result, they will not be able to throw out the light! In order to ensure that there will be a high light, there is a "stupid" way: eat less and eat more meals - the amount of sealing glaze is less, the number of polishing can be increased!

3, even distribution

It is essential that the sealing glaze is evenly distributed on the surface of the floor medallions marble. Apply the sealing glaze evenly to the surface of the calacatta gold marble price, and then start the single-disc machine to avoid using the machine to distribute the sealing glaze. This not only saves time, but also maintains the balance of the working state of the machine and reduces the labor. It is not possible to use a single-disc machine to directly throw a pile of glaze, because the glaze will splash out and dry on the surface of the buy carrara marble tiles.

4, appropriate water spray softening

If the sealing glaze stays on the surface of the stone for too long and is dry and can not be polished, it can be sprayed with water, softened and continue to be polished! Some people may ask, is it necessary to seal the glaze to ensure that the stone surface is clean and dry? The surface of the stone must be clean and dry in order to prevent the moisture from being sealed underneath. The sealing glaze itself contains some moisture to soften the material.

The versatility of the sealing glaze:

Sealing glaze is not only suitable for floor medallions marble, but most importantly, sealing glaze can achieve granite highlights, making up for the drawbacks of granite not crystallizing! In addition, the sealing glaze can be used for buy carrara marble tiles, limestone, floor tiles and other materials, and has strong versatility in daily cleaning process, and can even be used on wooden floors!calacatta gold marble price sealing glaze, it looks cool, if you can't operate, you must study it clearly! However, what is the need for more in-depth research, such as the glaze? Will waxing, it will seal the glaze, is it simpler than crystallization?



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