Jul 16, 2019 Viewed: 17298

A brief analysis of the reasons why dark grey stone cladding water stains have not been dried for a long time

1. Diversification of dark grey stone cladding varieties:Under normal circumstances,the water spots on the stacked stone veneer wall cladding are mostly white, beige and other light-colored series. For example, a kind of exterior stone wall panels, which is characterized by medium-acid magmatic rocks, high degree of crystallization, rich micro-cracks between crystals, high water absorption, and high content of various metal minerals. Because of these characteristics, when the paving is carried out, the amount of alkaline substances in the cement is easily brought into the stone by the water, and it is easy to chemically react with the metal minerals in the stone, and natural mites, The so-called water crystals of salt exist between the cleavage of the rock and the crystal cracks, so it is difficult to evaporate the water stains under normal conditions. After a long time, water spots will form.

2, the use of stone protective agent or variety selection is not appropriate

We all know that there are many kinds of protective agents in the exterior stone wall panels market. For different products, different protective parts, and even different paving methods, the last use of protective agents is different. In fact, the most important thing is the construction method and the choice of the use of the protective agent. It is often found that the construction of the same dark grey stone cladding (the base is a unified large plate), the same cement and sand in the unified building area. Underneath, even on the uniform block of stacked stone veneer wall cladding, different water spots (stains) are not visible, that is, some stones are dry and some are wet.

This situation is basically the result of using a stone protectant without actually operating according to the requirements of use, and there is a big difference in the amount of protective agent used and the average degree of brushing. According to the use requirements, the ratio is sufficient, and the average stone is painted and dried quickly. On the contrary, it is easy to cause water spots (stains) to dry out.

3. The selection of cement and sand and the control of water volume in the paving are important factors affecting water spots.

Occasionally, exterior stone wall panels paving will encounter the use of white cement, white sand, paving light-colored stone. The result is water spots, and the yellowing of the stacked stone veneer wall cladding is large. After many managements, it is basically restored.In the construction, the alkali content, manganese content, iron content, sand soil content (including impurities) and water should be strictly controlled. Otherwise, the dark grey stone cladding will be contaminated by different procedures.



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