Jul 18, 2019 Viewed: 17338

Four kinds of problem solving methods often encountered in paving stone veneer panels for exterior

Stacked stone wall tiles is a stone used frequently for decoration indoors and stone veneer panels for exterior. It is generally a natural, unprocessed or simple hand-processed natural texture white stone cladding. It is made of natural slate, sand slate, pebbles, classical terrazzo. The open-faced granite, the open-faced limestone, and the hand-played mushroom stone are representative, and there is a clear difference between the machined surface and the polished surface. These rough natural stones, regardless of the outer wall or the corner of the decorative room, all reflect the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature, and return to the true feelings. They are the embodiment of understanding the beauty of nature and the beauty of culture.

  1. What should I do if there is a bulging phenomenon on the back of the artificial culture stone?A. You can use a deeper texture scraper to make a deeper paving mortar, and when you use the scraper, slow down the speed and the mortar should be evenly stirred.B. Before laying the cultural stone, first put the mortar on the wall and the middle and low in the middle.C, found that the phenomenon of empty drums is immediately deducted, re-sanded with mortar, pay attention to increase viscosity.

    2. What if the white stone cladding paving patch is not firmly bonded and looks like it can shake?A. First look to see if the bottom surface is not cleaned up.B. If you see water stains on the paving surface, remember to dry it.

3. After the stacked stone wall tiles paving, I found that the product has fallen?A. Generally it is too thin with the mortar, the water is added more, resulting in less consistency, pay attention to the proportion problem, add a little less at a time;B. In addition to the problem of the proportion of water, it is also necessary to pay attention to the method of paving stone veneer panels for exterior first four weeks and then the middle.C. Also consider the weather, the summer temperature is high, it is sure to dry quickly, it is easy to lose the adhesion, pay attention to the area and speed of the mortar.

4. What should I do if I find that there are pieces that fall off after finishing the work?A. Use high-strength viscous mortar, so that the strength is large.B. Stirring must be sufficient, less water is added to maximize the viscosity.

Excellent material and characteristics

Natural stacked stone wall tiles, like common granite and marble, is produced from nature's stone mines. It is widely distributed on the earth, and its reserves are very rich. It has high utilization rate and high cost performance in application. Its physical properties are extremely hard, and it has the same compressive, anti-wear, fire-resistant, freeze-resistant, acid and alkali resistant, low water absorption rate as natural white stone cladding, and easy to process and construct. The slate and sandy slate are almost never processed, and are slightly beaten in the mining project, which naturally becomes an architectural decorative stone. Natural stone veneer panels for exterior has a bright color, rich texture and unconventional form. In the decorative effect, there is no fixed size, and in addition to the square stone and the strip shape, various geometric shapes such as a triangle, a rhombus, and a pentagon may be used. Because of its unconstrained shape, it can reflect the unpredictable decorative effect of cultural stone.



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