Jun 4, 2019 Viewed: 25285

Three factors affecting marble wall tiles processing

The machinability of marble wall tiles generally refers to the difficulty of sawing,cutting,grinding and polishing.Saw and cut are the same, the difference between grinding and throwing is still similar, so the machinability of most green marble tile products usually refers to sawability and grindability. But what are the factors that affect cheap marble tile processing in daily life?

The first is the hardness of the green marble tiles.

Under normal circumstances, the hardness of a stone is relatively large, the more difficult it is to process, the technical requirements for molding are high, and the degree of wear on the processing tool is relatively large. In the case of increased hardness of the green marble mosaic, the anti-abrasion performance of the product will also be enhanced together, so the resistance of the cutting will continue to increase, so the requirements for processing tools are getting higher and higher.

Followed by the composition of the marble wall tiles

We all know that the composition of green marble tileincludes minerals and chemicals, different mineral components and chemical composition, and processing properties are also different. For example,cheap marble tile, the main mineral composition is calcite, dolomite, its Mohs hardness is 3 and 3.5-4, respectively, lower hardness than granite, easy to process. The main minerals of green granite are quartz, feldspar, and plagioclase, which have a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7. Its processability depends to a large extent on the content of quartz and feldspar, the higher the content, the more difficult it is to process. In chemical compositions, such as higher SiO2 content, the more difficult the processing.

Finally, the internal structure of the rock

In general,the uniformity of the marble wall tiles in the construction of the green marble tile is easier to process than the uneven;and the fine grain is higher than the flake polishing quality of cheap marble tile; the stone with higher density looks much brighter than the loose stone; the degree of mineral crystallization Also, the alignment and the alignment of the optical axis will greatly improve the gloss after polishing.



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