Jun 4, 2019 Viewed: 24294

Marble floor design hole,brown marble tile crack repair,pink marble tile drop adjustment, seamless grinding technology

Natural marble floor design is still the most expensive building material,and pink marble tile is an important topic that should not be neglected. When you encounter:

1. The laying of today's brown marble tile is limited to the construction environment and technical difficulties, and it is impossible to show the original overall appearance of the stone.

2, the stone floor is often due to on-site construction factors and the warping of the brown marble stone itself, resulting in uneven floor.

3. Stone marble building floor due to improper external force or wear and tear all year round, causing surface cracks, crystal peeling or pothole wear.

4, the surface of the onyx marble stone has white crystals, which affects the beauty of the marble medallion stone, and often occurs after the removal.

5, the surface of the stone is affected by the iron of the external iron or the internal iron of the stone, causing reddish brown rust on the surface of the stone.

6, the local yellowing of the stone phenomenon.

7. The surface of the stone has a deeper color in some areas.

What should I do if I wait for the problems caused by one or the other reason? In response to these problems, we can solve them one by one.

First, the pink marble tile seamless grinding

1, function:

Uniform gloss: seamless grinding can make the marble floor design consistent

Reduced lesions: seamless grinding can effectively reduce the brown marble tile lesions caused by the seams

Convenient maintenance: seamless grinding makes daily maintenance more convenient

Maintaining health: seamless grinding effectively reduces the chance of bacterial hiding

2. Construction procedures:

Cutting→filling→leveling→water grinding (rough grinding, fine grinding)→polishing→mirror crystallization

Second, the stone gap is flattened

1, function:

Reduce wear: the floor after the leveling is reduced to reduce the wear and tear caused by the height difference

Improve brightness: the floor after the leveling can increase the overall consistency and improve the brightness

Increase safety: the floor after the leveling of the drop can avoid the safety problem caused by the difference

2. Construction procedures:

Leveling → water grinding → polishing

Third, stone holes, crack repair

1, function:

Restore the appearance: the surface of the marble floor design after repairing the beauty can restore the original smooth and smooth

Avoid spalling: the pink marble tile after repairing the beauty can avoid crack enlargement or peeling

Better maintenance: the brown marble tile after repairing beauty can make daily maintenance easier

2. Construction procedures:

Clean the damaged surface → seasoning filling → leveling → water grinding (rough grinding, fine grinding) → polishing



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