Jun 4, 2019 Viewed: 23232

Do you know the advantages of all granite and marble crystallization?

1. The requirements for the bottom light of the marble and granite supply are not high.

In the process of white marble rock renovation, the sealing glaze technology must be ground to 3000#. If the crystal powder is strongly etched and filled with chemical etching,the all granite and marble product can be crystallized only by grinding to 1000#.

2. the performance of stain removal is very good

Marble floor and wall tiles crystallization materials contain acidic components, so some stains, oil stains and dust on the black and white marble floor tiles surface have a clean effect.

3. High productivity when paired with large machinery

If the crystal powder is processed together with the grinder + shaped polishing pad, then the finished product per person per day is as high as 1500 square meters in practice, and the production capacity can be said to be very high.

4. a single maintenance cost is lower

The price of crystalline materials sold in the market is very large, and the sealing glaze is a new technology, so the average price will be higher than that of the crystalline powder, and the cost will be slightly higher.

5. technology exists for a long time, many customers source

Since the development of the white marble rock industry, the crystallization technology of the marble and granite supply has existed for more than 30 years. In the psychological deep-rooted of everyone, we can do a good job of the crystallization technology workers, but we can do a good job for the new technology. In terms of crystallization technology, it is far from the crystallization technology, so the current crystallization technology audience is still very broad.

All granite and marble seamless treatment:

1. Clean the original filler between the stone gaps first.

2, using the marble glue close to the color of the stone itself and the perfect color of the marble glue, so that it is close to the original stone color to improve the overall sense, to achieve the most ideal visual effect.

3, the adjusted marble glue is filled, because the marble glue will completely shrink after a certain degree of shrinkage, so the marble glue should be slightly higher than the stone level, so that it will not be filled multiple times.

4, with a professional stone refurbished machine with stone water grinding sheet from coarse to fine (from 50-3000) to grind the stone, so that the ground is bright and flat as new.

5, crystallization treatment: the use of marble and granite supply crystal powder and crystallizing agent with crystal surface grinding machine polishing, under the heavy pressure of grinding, the physical and chemical reaction of white marble rock and crystal powder under high temperature, forming a dense, hard crystalline protective layer . After crystallization, it can enhance color and brightness, and it can also achieve anti-slip, waterproof and oil-proof effects.

6, in order to do the final all granite and marble conservation (crystal polishing).



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